CBD and Fibromyalgia
CBD and Fibromyalgia

April 28, 2019

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CBD oil attracts a lot of public attention as a potential treatment for fibromyalgia. We have recently been intrigued by all the hype and claims of CBD and fibromyalgia and it is promising but it is not a treatment; it is an aid to dealing with the pain.

Unfortunately, many people do not really understand what CBD oil is or how it works, and it tends to be reduced to the controversy surrounding marijuana for medical purposes. This can make people hesitate to try using it for fear of getting high. There is also a lot of confusion whether or not CBD is legal.

As the owner of Whole Family Products, this is the first time I have decided to interject my personal opinion or endorsement but alas, I must! I have been using our CBD Cream for a short time (at this writing) and it has changed my painful world. I quickly got to the point that the frequency in need to use it became less and less. Since the first time I rubbed the cream on my wrist, it helped me with the excruciating pain of adrenal exhaustion and ligament insufficiency. I have 3 compressed cervical discs and suffer from adrenal exhaustion which is similar to a painful auto-immune disease. It has not cured me. It has greatly helped me after countless supplements, diets, exercises, chiropractic appointments and therapy since 2015. I think I get to chime in here.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD means “cannabidiol” which comes from the cannabis plant. Yes, the cannabis plant which is the source of marijuana. However, CBD oil does not have psychoactive properties which means that it does not get you high.

The general research on CBD is in its infancy and, therefore, research on CBD for fibromyalgia could be considered embryonic. We do not have much to do now. A 2016 literature study concluded that there is insufficient evidence to recommend cannabis-based treatments for fibromyalgia or other rheumatic conditions. It is purely by personal testimony that I can recommend trying it but we don’t call it the all in all or a miracle treatment. That will be up to you and your doctor to decide.

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Connection of CBD and THC

The substance responsible for the high concentration associated with marijuana comes from a different substance called THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Producers that want to maximize the intensive use of plant breeds and techniques focus on higher levels of THC. Meanwhile, cannabis grown for hemp is generally richer in CBD than in THC, and that’s where CBD comes from. Our CBD products are free of THC. Traces have been removed and we use only pure CBD THC-free isolate.

Why CBD is Popular

On the other hand, it is likely that this subject will receive a LOT of attention in the future, for several reasons.

First, we have an epidemic of pain in the United States and fibromyalgia is a major contributor to this. Current treatments simply are not enough for most of pain sufferers other than just mask the pain.  But CBD is not about masking the pain but about reducing the inflammation that causes pain. Let’s face it, there is also a great financial incentive to find something that can better relieve our pain and other symptoms and the powers that be are concerned that too much false hope will be placed on one substance.

Secondly, we have an epidemic of opioid addiction and overdose in this country. Many studies have shown that when a state legalizes marijuana, the number of opiate prescriptions decreases. This is good news for doctors looking for safer pain relief, law enforcement agencies that fight to control the illegal use of opioids, and lawmakers seeking solutions to the opioid problem.

Third, it is believed that CBD oil is effective against pain and inflammation and, in its pure form, is generally considered safe.

Fourth, although anecdotal evidence is certainly not scientific, a lot of people with fibromyalgia said that CBD helped them, and can bet that patients with difficult-to-treat conditions may be helped as well. It works, it stimulates your interest.

Fibromyalgia also involves something called endocannabinoid deficiency. This is the system that processes the natural endocannabinoids of your body and all the cannabis-based products you could take. This makes cannabis products promising.

You can now get specially formulated CBD benefits from our CBD Ultra Pain Relief Cream

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